“We are adjusting to a new normal where faces are concealed by masks, but it’s forcing us to look into one another’s eyes.”

Ashley Riley
Nov 25, 2020
Screenshot from New York Times opinion article “The Losses We Share” by Meghan Markle. Screenshot: Author.

Beautiful, resounding words by Meghan Markle in her opinion piece for the New York Times, The Losses We Share. The Duchess of Sussex reflects upon the miscarriage of her second child in July, and the immensity of that loss coupled with the the social and emotional turmoils that have devoured the world this year. She showcases not only her talents for emotional writing and advocacy but, perhaps more importantly, her fortitude as a woman, mother and survivor. “I realized that the only way to begin to heal is to first ask, ‘Are you OK?’”



Ashley Riley

PNW video creator, digital film storyteller, and writer. MA in social policy. BA in political science. Stay-at-home mom and wife. ashelizabethriley@gmail.com